I provide the evidence you seek at:
i haven't come across any arguement that does not involve secular history and external references.
in fact the wt can not get to 607 bce without using external sources as in knowing that they need to get back from 1914 ce to 607 bce, and botching an argument using an external date as reference to create their start point at 537 bce.. i realize that to get the final date we must provide a fixed figure from somewhere which can only be a historical source, but the objective would be to disprove the wt flim flam.
once that is achieve we can use which ever fixed historical point they wish to chose.
I provide the evidence you seek at:
atlantis just rolled this stuff off the scanner and is eating right now, so i wanted to see if anybody wanted this junk.. 2014, what is the kingdom of god?
https://www.sendspace.com/file/m3y1tg .
Atlantis, Petra,
Thank you so much!
the oldest in tact bible found is the codex voronicus, (miss spelled) and the oldest writings ever found were the greek septuagint written by jews in alexandria.
both of these collections of writings included the apocryphal and other writings like chapters and other verses of daniel not included in the jw bible.
so the question one must ask, is if your a bible believer how can you just throw out these writings, because reading these additional writings will change your understanding of what you have learned?.
Pages 22 to 31 of my Study
list allusions and references in the NT wriitngs to non-canonical Hebrew writings (1 Enoch, Sirach, Wisdom of Solomon, etc., etc.)
(The above page numbers refer to the document's page numbers; the page numbers of the PDF file are 27 to 36)
the oldest in tact bible found is the codex voronicus, (miss spelled) and the oldest writings ever found were the greek septuagint written by jews in alexandria.
both of these collections of writings included the apocryphal and other writings like chapters and other verses of daniel not included in the jw bible.
so the question one must ask, is if your a bible believer how can you just throw out these writings, because reading these additional writings will change your understanding of what you have learned?.
we have had a great discussion about world war i and its impact on the twentieth century.
i hope we can have an equally interesting exchange about october 1914. we all know how important that date was in the history of jehovah's witnesses but what may be murkier is the wts's later thinking on what happened that month and when.
charles taze russell and his followers expected the gentile times to conclude in that month with the battle of armageddon.
Their key date is 1919. That's when "they" were appointed.
Nothing to do with "truth". Those guys would be shown the door if they turned up today with their teachings (1874 Parousia, Pyramid-inches, and so on). It's only to do with unquestioned obedience, regardless of what the GB says.
scientist and atheist richard dawkins has admitted he does celebrate christmas - and enjoys singing traditional christmas carols each festive season.. the writer and evolutionary biologist told singer jarvis cocker that he happily wishes everyone a merry christmas - and used to have a tree when his daughter was younger.. dawkins, one of the most famous atheists in the world, was interviewed by sheffield born cocker when he stepped in as a christmas guest editor on radio four's today programme.. 'i am perfectly happy on christmas day to say merry christmas to everybody,' dawkins said.
'i might sing christmas carols - once i was privileged to be invited to kings college, cambridge, for their christmas carols and loved it.. read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1100842/why-i-celebrate-christmas-worlds-famous-atheist.html#ixzz39dwxid00 ?.
Some people in Australia, especially those holidaying in the mountains at the time, celebrate Christmas on July 25. Does that make it a religious holiday? Or is it beacuse there is snow around at the time?
a man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death.
you are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.
(leviticus 20:27).
I agree with you: much of the Hebrew Bible is shaped by the religious elites who were taken into captivity, and they produced material that would support their intentions. They said that the calamities which had befallen the nation resulted from people failing to obey their prophets.
And so they wrote all of their opponents out of history or demonised them, including the priests who were not based at Jerusalem. The reshaped history that they produced is now known as the Deuteronomic History, and it includes Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings.
Unfortunately, today we see the consequences of people believing that the propaganda represented actual history. (Not that Jerusalem was ever the capital of Israel.)
the present moment is real.
however much you may remember the past or anticipate the future, you live in the present.
the next second of your life is the future.
Time is distorted by forces such as gravity. This results in time changing speed as one moves further from the earth's surface. For this reason, the times on the satellites used for GPS have to be kept updated to compensate.
Space is likewise not linear, but is distorted along with time by forces, such as is exerted by bodies such as the sun and by "dark matter".
Although the late iron age people who penned the Hebrew myths said that the earth hangs on nothing, it is indeed held in place by the interplay of these forces.
we know that witnesses often use the illustration "the bible is like a letter from god.
a letter from a loving father to all his children etc".
so in this letter he says "he desires none to be destroyed, but all to survive etc".
The Bible was created by the Church that the GB says had slid into apostasy.
No one knows who wrote the Gospels, although we can be certain that the Matthew Gospel was written by people with a Jewish background.
Likewise, the authors of several letters attributed to Paul were written by unknown authors. Paul, of course was of the diaspora and he had no affiliation with the community at Jerusalem. He shows this at Galatians, despite the religious fiction written by "Luke".
No one knows who wrote 1 Peter and 2 Peter, the latter most likely written about 100 years after Peter's death. The latter is an exposition of Jude, which in turn is based on 1 Enoch (a book commonly used throughout the NT). The author of Revelation is not known but he was definitely had a strong Jewish background.
The people who decided which writings would be accepted as Christian Scriptures and hence form the NT were not Jewish.
Each writing had to reflect the culture of the community that produced it. None of these original texts exists, and those texts we are left with have been modified to include the views and opinions of successive copiers and their communities. Thus we need to identify the idioms, understandings, religious and secular politics, geography, interplay with neighbouring communities at each time, and so on.
Further, when we come to the NT writings, the feature known as Pesher comes into play. This term, which finds its genesis in the Dead Sea community, says "this is that", applying Scripture to their own times while totally disregarding the original context of the text. We see this practice in Jesus' "explanations", as well as in Paul's and Luke's. Today, we see the WTS employ this method, when they say that the Scriptures which were written thousands of years ago, are speaking of them. This, I believe, is the reason they reject Higher Criticism while at the same time as accepting Lower Criticism.